As a marketing expert, Joey Armstrong is always looking at new and innovative ways to help the businesses he markets for. A great marketer doesn’t just look to gain a customer, they look to gain customer loyalty. Joey Armstrong believes that one of the strongest ways to conjure up brand loyalty is through environmentally friendly practices. Consumers care very deeply about the state of our planet. When a company can show that they give back or that a portion of the proceeds of their business goes towards positive causes, it makes shoppers much more willing to work with that brand time and time again.
Companies Must Be Genuine
There are few bigger marketing blunders than talking the talk without walking the walk. While there is incredible opportunities for all businesses to market their company as a sustainable brand, they have to back it up through their actions. Transparency is essential. Showing is better than telling. Whether it’s a running calculation of funds donated to a cause or pictures of a company out at a charitable event, consumers will need to see that a business truly is looking to better the environment. As businesses have grown aware of the benefits of sustainable marketing, more companies have fallen flat on their face due to a lack of follow-through. If a business can’t prove that they are helping the less fortunate, it creates a storm of negative backlash across review platforms, social media profiles and more. Before launching any sustainable marketing campaign, Joey Armstrong suggests having a thought-out plan in place.
Support What You Love
Fortunately for businesses, there is no shortage of great causes to support. With consumers showing a real passion for contributing to the health of our planet, organizations that plant trees or help with disaster relief offer great opportunities for partnerships. Companies should feel as passionate about the organization they support as their customers feel about supporting them. With so many organizations to choose from, ownership groups should take the time to find an organization that speaks to their personal experience. When in doubt, companies can even look for organizations that help businesses offset their carbon footprint through the planting of trees. These types of organizations make it possible for businesses in any industry to make a positive impact. Knowing that any business in any industry can make a difference means consumers understand there’s no excuse not to give back.